Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

Yes-- Happy New Year.

Now that's out of the way.
I resisted doing a "Best Of " list or resolutions 2011 essay.
Truly no one cares if I loved Inception and hated Tron.  My list of resolutions?  I've had a few...

I had to work last night, fortunately relief came at 11:42
so I was able to give the NY salute  have a glass of wine,
watched The Marx brothers film Duck Soup and fell asleep.
Not to be a buzz kill but I was never a big fan of New Years Eve
parties, too anti-climactic standing around waiting for the 10 second countdown.
It's the one celebration that made me feel lonely even if I was with someone.
Oh yes and it always too damn cold to go out.

That being said I feel very positive about the new year
I feel as if it's time to get something done. Time to get a new job
and the happy positive side of me says "Yes" and so I shall.
If I have a "resolution" It's to continue to be more "positive".

It's hard when you have the negative cloud following you, the one
that's always sarcastic and thinks:
"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members".  

I'm just going to try.

One last thing:
Christmas day I went to a Starbucks ordered my cup of Pike.
My Barista Jingle Bell Jill-
(I say that because her name was Jill and she had on a hat with bells- yes really).
behind the counter said "sorry it's brewing now, just a couple of minutes OK"?
First- it was 12:30 the place had been open for 2 hours and it was empty,
(in fact I think I saw a Tumbleweed roll by).  Now they get to the business of brewing?

Did I get mad?  Nope, just smiled and said
"I'll wait, It's fine I'll have a fresh cup".

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